Bonjour Readers! Pretty frequently I face this dilemma with my own self, 'Is what I just did right? Or should it have been the other way round?' And I am sure, everyone of us, faces any of the following questions every once in a while. 'Why did I do that?' 'Was that right?' 'What was in it that makes me feel terrible?' 'I just did what I felt. If that's not upto your expectations, so am I possibly wrong?' And the list goes on... But the real question is... What's right? What's wrong? I believe that's one of the most controversial question we can ever face! I believe the distinction between 'Right' and 'Wrong' is subjective, opined and personal. It all depends upon us as to what we think it is. To be put in simple terms and language, some people believe that those who believe in the presence of God are correct, while the atheists have their own opinion about it. Killing someone is an offense for me. But for ...
Hello there. I am Setu Shah. I began blogging to put my opinions and my views in front of the world. Do comment if you find something interesting or like what you read! Happy Reading!